
Your mixes. Refined.

Mixing audio book cover

This book is a very good mix (no pun intended) of the technical and creative


Fundamental knowledge in an easy-to-understand format

Kelly Green

Great book for beginner & advanced mix engineers

Craig Avery

Gain invaluable mixing knowledge

From high-level concepts to the small details, a wealth awaits to help you:

  • Polish your mixes
  • Understand your tools better
  • Optimize your mixing process
  • Make better decisions - sonic, process or purchase

Tip & tricks are included. So are 5 sample mixes, with every bit of how and why.

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Get it

A picture worth a thousand words? Let's see you paint a naked truth. But with many mixing concepts, the illustration may be where it all falls into place.

So nearly 300 illustrations are there to help you assimilate it all.

Develop critical auditory skills

What does the Haas trick sound like? Phase problems? The effect of short attack on a kick?

Over 2000 downlodable audio samples, will help you distill key topics into critical auditory skills.

There are also 5 multitracks so you can start practicing a variety of productions.

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